27th Anual Bare Buns Fun Run~West is here!
Activities all weekend including:
Friday night 6:30-9:30pm Wine & Cheese Party, Tunes by “Once Upon A Tuesday”
Saturday 9:00am Continental Breakfast $5 suggested donation
Saturday 5pm Carb-loading Spaghetti Dinner $5 suggested donation
Saturday after dinner Bonfire, swimming, volleyball, and hot tubbing under the stars
Sunday 8-10am Registration, photo ID required (Day of race and pre-registered check in)
10:30am Kids Dash
11:00am The run
After the race: Award ceremony after all runners in
1:00-3:30pm Tunes by “Strangely Alright”
Vendors: Mocha Motion, Peasant Food Manifesto, Fenix Face & Body Art, Massage, and Nudestroms Bare Essentials Store.